Factory Floor Catering School
A specialist training kitchen for adults with learning disabilities within Aspace2 facilities and situated in Campsie Business Park.

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A specialist training kitchen for adults with learning disabilities within Aspace2 facilities and situated in Campsie Business Park.
A specialist catering training school for young adults with ASD, learning, physical and or sensory disabilities,
At our Catering School we develop a personalised holistic programme for each trainee with a clear roadmap of progression.
Trainees can choose to train in the catering school for two or up to 5 days
Trainees may also choose a blended training programme, choosing between the catering training school and the day opportunities training programme.
NVQ Hospitality and Pathway to Life Vocational
Tutors teach you in the real environment of the Factory Floor Coffee Shop (hyper link) at Aspace2 Campsie and/or The Alley Theatre Coffee Shop in Strabane (hyper link) , both of which are open to the public .
From day one, you will gain skills in food service, food preparation and front of house training.
You will also work in depth on health and safety, teamwork and customer care skills, with the opportunity to complete a recognised food hygiene award.
You will also learn transferrable life skills and develop new friendships.
The Aspace2 team will work with you, your family and your Social worker to ensure that you can achieve your potential and to enter into the world of work if you so choose.
We are supportive -. We take seriously our responsibility for the people in our service and are committed to making their time with us as positive and fulfilling as possible.
We are ambitious – We have high expectations of all our trainees, regardless of what barriers they may have faced in the past. We encourage them to expect more for themselves, while challenging employers and communities to understand and value their diverse needs and attributes.
We are trainee led – Everything we do, we do in partnership with the trainees and the multi-professional team. We actively seek and listen to feedback from trainees, parents and staff, to find out what’s working well, what we can do better, and how we can further develop all our services to benefit the people we work with.
We are trusted – We work in partnership with the Western Health & Social Services Trust. We understand that sustainable growth is possible only when we hold ourselves to the highest standards, by delivering consistently top-quality services to every single person we work with.
We are innovative – We begin planning for each trainee’s future the minute they walk through our doors. We tailor our approach to their unique needs and are constantly looking for new opportunities to help them explore, enhance and employ their own skills, talents and abilities.
Courses available in the FF Catering School
Maths, English, ICT and Daily Living Skills
These core skills are taught directly throughout the programme and are embedded across practical and vocational aspects.
Employability Hub
We work closely with each trainee to understand their goals and aspirations and support them to make these a reality.
At FF, we have a key worker system to support trainees with work experience and their future options.
Each trainee has a dedicated key worker who they can meet at any time to ask for advice and support with any aspect of employability or future education options.
Trainees may be offered work experience placements in line with their interests and hopes for the future, if they so desire.
Become ‘work ready, life ready’
Admissions process
The catering school at the FF welcomes referrals from young people and adults who have:
Referrals must be supported by a WHSCT Social Worker.
All placements are funded through the Self-directed Support model.
Download SDS Information Leaflet
Please contact us
For further information on a training placement or for a work experience placement for those who are 18years old and still at school.
Our aim is to equip you with the tools to find sustainable employment in the hospitality sector. We support and promote the ongoing changing perceptions about employing people with disabilities.
The training opportunities we offer enable you not only to develop and achieve qualifications and training, but most importantly promote independent living skills that will help you to lead your best life with greater independence and sense of achievement.
The Factory Floor Cafe & Restaurant is an open to public eatery, and those learning with us receive real world experience. You will gain skills in food service, food preparation and front of house. Within this programme you will also work to enhance skills such as teamwork, customer care skills and health and safety, which are integral qualities for effective employability. Alongside this, you will also have the opportunity to complete a recognised food hygiene .
We organise events including discos, talent competitions and trips out. We also invite holistic therapists to run programmes to develop your confidence and skills.
Easy steps need to join Aspace2 by referral
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